Meyerson & Miller Attorneys at Law
Cases Presently in Court
Recent Successes
Jack Meyerson, Esquire, a 1972 graduate of Harvard Law School, has been trying medical malpractice cases for more than 25 years. During this time, our firm has achieved notable successes.
  • A $1.45 million medical malpractice wrongful death recovery against a hospital in Philadelphia based on substandard emergency room service and the incorrect diagnosis that our client was suffering from a stiff neck. Instead, our client, a juvenile, died of a MRSA infection and Meningitis just one day after being examined and released from the Emergency Room.
  • A legal malpractice action in West Virginia on behalf of a client whose lawyer in a wrongful death and medical malpractice action involving a doctor’s failure to diagnose an aneurism failed to initiate suit against the doctor within the statute of limitations. The lawyer then lied to the client about the dismissal and loss of the case. The settlement of Meyerson & O’Neill’s legal malpractice claim was substantially in excess of six figures.
  • Award of approximately $900,000 to a young widow and two tender age daughters from a Medical Malpractice/Wrongful Death claim against a dermatologist who negligently caused the death of a patient in New Jersey he was treating for severe psoriasis by carelessly prescribing Methatrexate without monitoring the patient’s blood. Methatrexate is a drug with an FDA required black box warning stating that physicians must monitor a patient’s blood levels before and during use, because it can be toxic for certain patients, causing acute renal failure and even death. In this case, the patient’s blood was not monitored as required, despite the fact that the patient had a history of elevated kidney functions. Approximately a month after the dermatologist increased the patient’s dosage of Methatrexate without any blood monitoring, the patient died of Methatrexate toxicity.
  • A successful Civil Rights/Wrongful Death claim in Virginia on behalf of a client who received a 10 day jail sentence for driving without a license. He reported to the jail and brought with him vitally needed medications to combat his high blood pressure. While he was incarcerated, the jail medical staff noted his exceedingly high blood pressure readings, and yet failed to give him his mediation. As a truly tragic result, he died of bleeding in the brain before his 10 day term concluded. Combining our medical/legal background with our knowledge of the Civil Rights Act, we brought a case in Federal Court in Virginia claiming a violation of the inmate’s Eighth Amendment rights regarding cruel and unusual punishment. The case resolved with a substantial settlement for the decedent’s family.
  • A case for close to $1 million on behalf of the family of a Washington State resident. A mother, with two young children, collapsed while on a family holiday to Mt. Saint Hellens. This would not have occurred if her doctors had adequately monitored her body’s reaction to the medication that they were prescribing. We proved, with the aid of a nationally prominent medical examiner, that the failure to monitor the medication was a substantial factor contributing to the mother’s death.
  • Another seven figure (million dollar) success for another client of Meyerson & O’Neill. We just recently resolved a wrongful death/medical malpractice case in New Jersey arising from the negligent use of a heart lung bypass machine and the failure of the hospital personnel to properly monitor the patient while he was on the heart lung bypass machine. When the heart lung bypass machine malfunctioned, the patient bled to death. The result was only accomplished because Meyerson & O’Neill retained well qualified specialists in cardiothoracic surgery and perfusion (blood management during serious surgery).
  • A pending case in the State of Georgia against a periodontist who breached the standard of care in a sinus augmentation procedure. The doctor used a relatively new synthetic bone graft material to encourage bone growth in the client’s maxilla which led to the client’s development of osteomyelitis in her jaw bone. The client has presently had close to a dozen surgeries and may require reconstructive surgery to account for the significant portion of bone lost to the infection and subsequent surgeries.
  • A medical malpractice settlement of approximately $1.9 million against a Philadelphia area radiology group. Our client went to the hospital emergency room with complaints of stomach pain. The CT scan to confirm a diagnosis of diverticulitis reported normal kidney shadows. In reality, the “normal kidney shadows” were actually a 5 cm malignant tumor in the patient’s kidney. Had the radiologist accurately read the CT scan the kidney could have been removed and the patient would have had a high probability of survival. By the time a diagnosis was made the cancer had metastasized and the outlook was much bleaker. We recommended a structured settlement to our client which will provide lifetime financial security for the entire family.
  • A pharmaceutical product liability recovery against the manufacturer of a contact lens solution that was not properly tested before being sold to the public causing extremely painful and permanent damage to our client such that she is now blind in one eye.
  • A mass tort recovery against a pharmaceutical manufacturer that failed to warn doctors and consumers of the dangers of heart attacks, strokes and even death associated with the use of their prescription drug product.
  • $1.75 million result for a North Jersey woman. Our client required emergency hernia surgery but the doctor would not come to the hospital on the weekend. As a result, by the time she underwent surgery, the hernia had strangled and killed a large portion of her colon and digestive tract. Her first attorney, who we subsequently sued, did not thoroughly study the medical records and, as a result, sued the wrong doctor which resulted in the client’s loss of her medical malpractice claim. Meyerson & O’Neill instituted a legal malpractice case against the lawyer who mishandled the medical malpractice case. Ultimately, success was achieved and after 8 years of suffering and delay the client received just compensation and financial security.
  • A legal malpractice action on behalf of a woman who suffered serious and significant medical complications from a gallbladder surgery. Her attorney failed to file a certificate of merit to support her medical malpractice case, thereby preventing her medical malpractice claim from proceeding. The subsequent legal malpractice case brought by Meyerson & O’Neill led to a resolution that was substantially in excess of six figures.
  • Three legal malpractice actions against the same attorney from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania who negligently represented clients in serious medical malpractice cases – one involving a gastrointestinal injury during a fertility treatment, another involving negligent performance of ankle replacement surgery resulting in ankle amputation, and negligent performance of claw toe revision surgery. His egregious acts of professional legal negligence resulted in his clients’ medical malpractice cases being dismissed. Settlement was in excess of six figures.
  • A $2 million trial verdict against a physician in a medical malpractice case for failure to diagnose cancer.
  • An $800,000 settlement for a woman whose eyesight was permanently damaged during experimental eye surgery which was deliberately performed without FDA or an IRB (Independent Review Board) approval.
  • Substantial settlements in medical malpractice cases involving obstetrics, including compensation to the family of a stillborn baby following fetal distress.
  • A life long annuity for a child born handicapped with shoulder dystocia.
  • A $750,000 settlement for a working woman who sustained a permanent intestinal/digestive injury from a medical error during gall bladder surgery.
Cases Presently in Court
Of the medical malpractice and pharmaceutical cases in which we are presently working, the two most notable are:
  • Another seven figure (million dollar) success for another client of Meyerson & O’Neill. We just recently resolved a wrongful death/medical malpractice case in New Jersey arising from the negligent use of a heart lung bypass machine and the failure of the hospital personnel to properly monitor the patient while he was on the heart lung bypass machine. When the heart lung bypass machine malfunctioned, the patient bled to death. The result was only accomplished because Meyerson & O’Neill retained well qualified specialists in cardiothoracic surgery and perfusion (blood management during serious surgery).
  • A dental malpractice case pending in Atlanta, Georgia involving a periodontist’s alleged misuse of a bone growth stimulant during a tooth implant procedure. The bone growth stimulant ended up within the patient’s sinus and she developed osteomylitis requiring numerous surgeries and the removal of significant portions of her jaw and cheekbone.
In developing and litigating these claims, Meyerson & O’Neill retains preeminent doctors in the pertinent medical specialties who serve as expert witnesses during the development of the case and subsequently testify at trial.

We continue to work on a number of similar product liability, medical, malpractice, legal malpractice and pharmaceutical drug cases. For a free consultation on a similar case, please call our office at (215) 972 1376.
Medical Malpractice Attorneys | Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Westmont New Jersey
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